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At Harmony Primary School pupils will focus on 3 main themes: Health and Well-being of yourself and others, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World. Our PSHE curriculum follows a thematic question based model. Within each theme pupils explore topics such as Self-esteem, Kindness and Confidence, Friendships and Playing Together, Bullying, and learning How to be Part of a Team. Pupils learn about Personal Hygiene, Cyber and Road Safety, How to Make Sensible Choices, Basic Democracy and Fairness and What to do in an Emergency.  

The curriculum aims to enrich and engage pupils by drawing upon personal experiences of the world around with the intent to scaffold their learning. PSHE is a dynamic and fluid subject area where we respond and listen to what is happening in pupils’ lives and prepare them to question, celebrate, understand and be an active participant within the ever-changing world around them. 

We aim to:

  • Equip pupils with accurate knowledge and understanding about healthy relationships that they need, in order to develop their own moral choices.
  • Create opportunities which enable pupils to be taught about positive emotional and mental wellbeing, including how friendships can support mental wellbeing.
  • Raise pupils’ understanding of the importance of self-respect and self-worth
  • Help pupils develop attributes including honesty, integrity, courage, humility, kindness, generosity and trustworthiness.
  • Encourage the development and practice of resilience, belief that they can achieve and perseverance.
  • Ability to set goals, long term rewards and importance of seeing these through despite setbacks.
  • Develop skills for a healthier, safer lifestyle.
  • Develop and use communication skills and assertiveness skills to cope with the influences of their peers and the media.
  • Educate pupils to respect and care for their bodies.