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Our Curriculum

Harmony Primary School is an Islamic Faith School in the heart of Harrow; with a passion for Islamic Traditions and Values.

Harmony Primary School’s curriculum is based on Global Learning. Essentially, education for a fair and sustainable world, where our children learn to live life in all its fullness which involves developing academically, physically, socially, spiritually, morally, culturally, and artistically.



What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum? 

At Harmony Primary School, we want our children to become Global Learners. To do this, we aim to provide our children with an understanding of how the world works and encourage participation in the community, from the local to the global. We teach our children to make the world a more sustainable place and to take responsibility for their actions. Our intention is that through this marriage of values and cultural capital, children are suitably equipped to make sense of an increasingly globalised, complex and rapidly changing world.

Our curriculum is mapped to include coverage of the National Curriculum and designed to challenge, engage and motivate with the ultimate goal that our learners progress academically and become successful, confident individuals, who make a positive contribution to the community and society – both now and in the future. In order to do so, we utilise various Curriculum programmes including Cornerstones Maestro (Topic & Cross-Curriculum), Power of Reading (English) and White Rose (Maths).


How is our curriculum being delivered?

Our Learning is sequenced into coherent and cumulative lessons that build and connect on previous content. Specific skills are discreetly taught and practised so that they become transferrable. Carefully sequenced units activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.

English and Maths are taught daily and, wherever possible, are linked to topic using the Cornerstones curriculum. The Cornerstones Curriculum 2022 is underpinned by a child-focused four staged pedagogy: Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express. With this pedagogy at its heart, the curriculum supports children’s learning, motivation and wellbeing.


What difference is our curriculum making?

Everything we do is with the child in mind, strong relationships are built between pupils and staff which creates an atmosphere for learning which is conducive to success. Pupil progress is evident through ongoing assessment and through three key assessment points during the year. Work is planned to address misconceptions and gaps in learning identified through formative assessments to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of all pupils.

We have high aspirations for all pupils and expect the following outcomes:

  • all children will make good progress from their individual starting points academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically;
  • children will take pride in all that they do, motivated to do their best and with confidence in their own abilities and their work across the curriculum is of high quality;
  • knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for secondary school;
  • children have good communication skills, both written and verbal;
  • children listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others;
  • children demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they meet challenge;
  • children demonstrate inclusive attitudes and have a sense of their role in wider society;
  • children are ready for the next phase of their education.


At Harmony Primary School, Homework is valued as an opportunity for children, parents and teachers to build a shared responsibility for learning.

Homework, is known as, ‘Home-Learning’ at Harmony Primary School, it is an integral part of the learning process at HPS. Home-Learning builds on school based learning and improves pupil academic achievement. Homework is an essential aspect of becoming a confident and independent learner, which will help throughout their time at school and beyond.

Home-Learning is set according to a weekly homework timetable. The amount of time pupils should spend on home-learning increases as they move up the year groups.


The National Curriculum has been written to give Age Related Expectations (ARE) for the end of each year. As children travel from Year 1 to Year 6 in our school, they are tracked against the Age Related Expectations. At Harmony Primary School we use RM Integris to support our tracking, they provided us with numbered bands and steps to track children.

The school reports to parents three times a year, at parents evenings you will receive your child’s targets based on the suitable National Curriculum objectives.