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Admissions Process

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Initial enquiry / expression of interest
Submit application
Entry exams £50 fee
Pass (if fail, retake £50)
Internal application review
Meet with a member of senior leadership team
Offer and registration
Acceptance letter with 1st payment

To apply for a place for your child at Harmony Primary School, you can either complete our application form online or print a pdf of our application form and hand it in to reception.

Our applications process includes an Entry Test for all children from year 1 to Year 6. If your child is able to successfully complete this assessment set by the school, then an informal interview with your child and the parents will be arranged with a view to offering a place within our school.
Please note that places at Harmony Primary School are limited by small class sizes and early applications are strongly encouraged.

Our Fees

Harmony Primary School is a fee paying school. The Fee Schedule is updated annually.

On occasion, the school may make an additional charge for certain activities e.g. trips and visits, which students are required to attend, but these will always be shared with parents in advance. When such activities are organised they will be introduced as part of the school’s curriculum experience.

A limited number of specialist resources, e.g. Y6 exam revision aids or education resources such as Arabic language, Art materials may also be required to be purchased by parents, these remain with students, and the costs for such items will be limited but necessary and must be purchased at the request of the school, normally at the beginning of the academic year or during the first term. Additional charges are made for uniforms (compulsory) on an individual basis with further information and costs available via the ‘Uniform’ section.