Our English curriculum aims to develop reading, writing and communication skills across all subjects. We promote active learning in our pupils by exploring the excitement of the unknown. We encourage pupils to explore new possibilities by asking questions that challenge and extend their knowledge and understanding.
Our teaching staff encourage pupils to develop a love of reading by offering an array of books that both challenge and excite with the aim of developing fluent and independent readers. Drawing on Scarborough’s core reading skills, pupils are taught to decode, comprehend and analyse a variety of writing styles and formats. Pupils build an increasing familiarity with a range of high-quality, pleasure-giving genres which include contemporary and historical fiction, traditional stories, poetry, information texts and discursive writing.
Our pupils are offered opportunities to compose their own works across the curriculum in a variety of forms. We lay emphasis on highlighting the importance of powerful and engaging literary techniques. The range of pupils’ writing includes: imaginative stories, recounts, poems, letters, report writing, balanced arguments, persuasive writing, simple play scripts, diaries, writing in role, reports of science experiments and recipes. These genres of writing are included in teaching across the curriculum and may be produced using digital and electronic equipment as well as with pen and paper. As pupils are introduced to opportunities such as non-chronological reporting and writing for formal or public purposes we develop the key abilities of composition for persuasion and impacts. This challenges our pupils to develop their ideas and communicate effectively speeches, sets of instructions, debating.
Spoken Language
As part of our English Curriculum, we lay strong emphasis on communication and language development giving pupils opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and to speak and listen in a range of situations.